Master Of Fine Arts - Portraiture

Eligibility: Bachelor of Fine Arts - Portraiture or equivalent
Course Level : Postgraduate (PG)
Duration : 2 Years
Description :

Master of Fine Arts or M.F.A is a two-year postgraduate program that is designed to help the students to refine their skills and become an artist in their chosen field. M.F.A course offers subjects such as painting, visual communication, sculpture, music, architecture, ceramics and poetry, which are practiced and celebrated mainly for its aesthetic value rather than its practical values. Portraiture is the process of painting, sculpturing or taking a photograph or other artistic representation of a person in which the face and its expression is predominant. It is the art form mainly practiced for its aesthetic value and its beauty rather than its functional value. During this course, the student will undertake self-initiated research into current practice and theory of fine arts especially in portraiture and can become an adept in the field of portraiture.

Main Subjects to Be Studied

  • Methodology & Perspectives of Portraiture
  • Contemporary Perspectives in Portraiture
  • Modern Western Art
  • Modern Indian Art
  • History & Aesthetics of Indian Art

Where to study